Author: CineKink

Come, they told him…

So glad that somebody finally put those lyrics to obvious and very good use! Just in time for Christmas, CineKink alumnus Bryan Jackson give us Little Taiko Boy リトル太鼓ボーイ, mixing cultures and holiday traditions to present a shiny and colorful take on wrapping gifts...

A holiday reprieve!

A bit of a break for filmmakers planning to submit works for CineKink 2011 ...

Audience award-winner ‘S&M Judge’ to open CineKink: Chicago

Winner of the Audience Choice Award for Best Narrative Feature at CineKink NYC/2010, S&M Judge will be the centerpiece for the opening night of CineKink: Chicago, running November 19-20 at the Leather Archives and Museum. Directed by Flemish filmmaker Erik Lamens and based on a celebrated...

Scarleteen: Straight talk for those “burgeoning desires”

I didn't appreciate it then, but I had a rather charmed growing-up, sexually-speaking. I was blessed with parents who not only—anomaly of the 1970s—weren't divorced, but who clearly loved, respected and desired each other. While I didn't always exhibit a full modicum of...

Nothing but a bold-faced lie!

Mulling all of the perceived negativity in this year's election cycle, we began thinking back to kinder, gentler times...

Submit to CineKink!

CineKink NYC--"the kinky film festival"--is seeking films and videos, of any length and genre, that explore and celebrate the wide diversity of sexuality. Dedicated to the recognition and encouragement of sex-positive and kink-friendly depictions in film and television, we're looking to blur some boundaries and...

What happens in Vegas…

Yeah, you've heard that one. What happens in Vegas gets plastered all over the Internet! And so it was with all (well, many) of the exploits that went down at CineKink: Las Vegas. First off, we were graced with a truly gratififying amount of insightful...