
>Mumbleporn? Swanberg revolutionizes full frontal!

>Recalling his shocked dismay upon learning of all the governmental regulations around filmic depictions of sex, we'd like to think that director Joe Swanberg's participation in our SXSW panel, The Porn Police: Know The Rules, may have finally inspired him to cover his, um, ass....

>How about a thumbs up?!

>We recently submitted a couple of proposals on topics we'd like to present at the next SXSW festival--and we'd love your thumbs-up support on either or both if you're so inclined.Both proposals have been included in the SXSW 2010 PanelPicker, the rather sadomasochistic tool that...

>Another kerfuffle down under!

>We've just got word from Jennifer Lyon Bell that her CineKink award-winning short film, Matinée, has been banned from screening publicly in Australia. Jennifer's piece was scheduled to run tomorrow at the Melbourne Underground Film Festival. But the event has been informed by...

>A fleeting f*@&!

>The Supreme Court has upheld a crackdown by the Federal Communications Commission on the use of indecent language--even the fleeting utterance of a single expletive--on broadcast television. At least for now...

>Oh, yeah, happy belated birthday.

>We've been so pins-and-needles over tomorrow's election thing, we're totally late to the party for the 40th birthday of the MPAA's rating system. Oh, well--it's not like they bothered to show up for our 40th shindig. Founded in 1968, largely as a way for...

>Fire and brimstone

>And likely a somewhat noxious smoke at that, as the good Reverend Eldredge--in a ceremonial burning and "holy hose-down"-- recently set flame to a cache of pornographic celluloid that was discovered in the old drive-in theater his church had recently purchased. The ritual was...


>The sixth season of Penn & Teller: Bullshit! kicks off tonight with the "The War on Porn," described thusly:"Radical feminists claim porn leads to violence; rabid right-wingers claim it leads to addiction; and even former boy toy Donna Rice claims it’s hurting the children. ...

>Feel the shag between your toes!

>From the Brighton Port Authority, the music video for Toe Jam, featuring a little David Byrne, some Dizzee Rascal, lots more 1970s aesthetics and inspiration to hire a choreographer for our next sex party!...

>Action Alert! Contact CBS and support Swingtown

>Conservative media watch-groups and religious political extremists are already hard at work trying to get Swingtown pulled from the air. While we don't necessarily like to send them traffic, from the America Family Association there's this and from the Parents Television Council we have...