

>You probably won't get the inside scoop on what really goes down at the CineKink AfterGlow Party, but otherwise you'll find all kinds of useful insider knowledge crammed into Film Festival Secrets: A Handbook for Independent Filmmakers. Written by Christopher Holland, keeper of...

>Are you ready to submit?

>CineKink NYC - "the really alternative film festival" - is seeking films and videos, of any length and genre, that explore and celebrate the wide diversity of sexuality. Dedicated to the recognition and encouragement of sex-positive and kink-friendly depictions in film and television, we're looking...

>The last-call last call

>Like many of you, we were a little startled to awaken to the fact that it's already mid-November. Thusly, to accommodate the usual assortment of well-meaning procrastinators, those of us who might wish to buy a little extra time, the last call for entries...

>Submit to CineKink!

>CineKink is seeking films and videos, of any length and genre, that explore and celebrate the wide diversity of sexuality. We're looking to blur some boundaries and will be considering offerings drawn from both Hollywood and beyond, explicit or not, with works ranging from documentary...