kirby dick

>Oh, yeah, happy belated birthday.

>We've been so pins-and-needles over tomorrow's election thing, we're totally late to the party for the 40th birthday of the MPAA's rating system. Oh, well--it's not like they bothered to show up for our 40th shindig. Founded in 1968, largely as a way for...

>Oh, yes, so very hard!

>We're counting the days until our return to the Lonestar State and our eagerly-anticipated - by us, anyway - participation in the SXSW film festival panel, Sex Scenes Stay Hard:Love scenes might be the toughest thing for a filmmaker, actors and crew to accomplish. Under...

>Um. Wow.

>On our way out of the multiplex the other day, we noticed the rather demure posters for This Film is Not Yet Rated and a banner instructing us to visit to see the posters "they wouldn't let us show you!" Later, in one...