friday, march 4 – 6:45 pm

adventures in the skin trade

hookah face
It’s all in a day’s work in this program of shorts, each considering various interactions of sex, money, performance and perception.

sex workers: your voice counts

Directed by Julianne Carroll, 2010, USA,
13 minutes. East coast premiere.

The stories of four San Francisco women who are redefining and reclaiming sex work through dignity, awareness and education.

the cowboy

Directed by Margie Schnibbe (aka Vena
Virago), 2010, USA, 7 minutes.
World premiere.

The director reminisces about a regular client from her past profession, working as a dominatrix in an S/M House.


Directed by Jennie Allen, 2011, USA, 14 minutes. World premiere.
When a suburban escort is frustrated by a client who just wants to listen to her talk, she allows herself to remember – and has an experience she won’t forget.

hooka face and the virgin boy

Directed by Robert Putka, 2010, USA, 9 minutes.
A humorous/horrific look at what happens when you put together a sex-starved 18-year-old virgin, a comely hooker and a swanky hotel room.

man with a bolex movie camera

Directed by Colin Foster and Jason Fraley, 2010, USA, 10 minutes. World premiere.
Inspired by the discovery of an old, spring-wound Bolex movie camera in a pawnshop, a young and film-obsessed couple decides to make a sex tape together.

the cultural war is a diversion from economic policy insuring plutocracy

Directed by Charles Lum, 2010, USA, 4 minutes. World premiere.
A march on Manhattan’s Museum Mile to protest the Smithsonian’s censorship of David Wojnarowicz’ “Fire in the Belly.”

bucking the system

Directed by Buck Angel, 2010, USA, 30 minutes. World premiere.
Renowned as the “man with a pussy,” Buck Angel pioneered the genre of FTM transsexual porn. Banking on that notoriety and media attention, he has since strived to spread a message of empowerment through self-acceptance and being sexually comfortable in one’s own skin.

Anthology Film Archives
32 Second Avenue (@ 2nd Street)
$10/door; $9/advance; $6/seniors & students (door only)
18 and over only.

Tickets for CineKink NYC / 2011 on Eventbrite