Directed by Vivian Darkbloom, 2010, USA, 63 minutes.
On a chilly winter evening, Honey and Nick, a representative Mr. and Mrs. Suburbia, pay a visit to the mysterious and sprawling home of George and Martha, the king and queen of kink, and their “maid,” Camille. As the night slowly unravels from the wee small hours of morning back to its beginning, we discover the truth about each of the characters, their motivations, and their darkest longings. Stars William Van Noland, Aurora Snow, Madison Young, Lilla Kat and Ned Henry.
CineKink Audience Choice Award 2011 – Best Narrative Feature
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preceded by
Directed by Julie Simone, 2010, USA, 3 minutes.
A serene vision, suspended.
Directed by Richard Kimmel, 2010, USA, 13 minutes.
Rose Wood, the Sally Bowles of New York’s underground cabaret scene, tangos with a handsome soldier until he pulls the rug out from under her…and she pulls the wig off her head.