1092 St. Georges Avenue, #190
Rahway, NJ 07065
(phone is 917/609-5928)
If you have submitted online, that is the best place to confirm your entry. For direct submissions, enclose a stamped, self-addressed postcard or envelope if you wish to receive confirmation that your entry has been received.
questions & contact
Email us at cinekink2019 (at) cinekink (dot) com or via the website dropdown menu. Please use header “Submitting to CineKink” for quicker routing.
selection and notification
Submissions will not be considered until we’ve received all elements of your entry, including a screener, applicable payment and your signed agreement.
Programming decisions are made by the festival director after review by any selection committees/designees. We expect that all film selections will be determined by February 14, 2020, and we will notify all filmmakers, via e-mail, of which films and videos have been selected. A full schedule of the festival, including exact screening times, will be sent out shortly thereafter.
If accepted, the print of your film, presentation video or digital file will need to be received on our end by February 28, 2020.
Cost of shipping exhibition prints to the festival, and any related customs and insurance, is the responsibility of the entrant. Exhibition copies must be sent to the festival prepaid. The festival will cover return ground shipping via FedEx, UPS or US Mail. The entrant or the recipient must pay additional charges for express shipping to foreign film festivals. The festival cannot accept responsibility for damage or loss of materials while in transit.
shipping address
1092 St. Georges Avenue, #190
Rahway, NJ 07065
(phone is 917/609-5928)
We are able to receive overnight, signature-required deliveries at this address.
return of submission materials
Submission DVDs and videos will not be returned.