
>Sizzle sells! (Maybe.)

>Mazel tov to one of our favorite CineKinksters, Lolita Wolf, for her prize-winning suggestion in Violet Blue's recent competition to determine the best sex-related ad campaign. Lolita's entry, last year's "Dominate Winter" interactive campaign for the Cooper Mini, which featured a cat-suit clad...

>Bring it!

>There are definitely a few more significant issues we might ponder. The Child Online Protection Act (COPA) was struck down again, as an appeals court upheld last year's ruling by a federal judge that the act is "overbroad and unconstitutional." And an entirely...

>And while we’re at it…

>As long as we're so busy avoiding resolutions, here's still another, an old favorite. And our best wishes for a splendid 2008, one full of happy surprises!...


>If we actually believed in making resolutions, we'd likely resolve to make more posts that didn't involve just snagging a video from somebody else's blog, which seems to be our definite MO of late. But there's plenty of time to be substantive in...

>Now, that’s what we call a friend

>We're only into day #2 of the New York Leather Weekend + NYC Poly Pride mash-up - with a near week of events to go - and we're starting to get that tickling in the throat kind of thing that typically coincides with a change...