
>Taking it to the White House

>CineKink alumni director Scott Bloom (CineKink '06 & '08) reports that a copy of his amazing documentary, Call Me Troy, was handed off to Michelle Obama during yesterday's meet-up with LGBT community leaders. A profile of gay rights activist and founder of Metropolitan Community Churches,...

>More “do me,” less DOMA!

>While it's common belief that each letter received from a constituent represents at least 100 others who held that particular opinion, we're unsure of the equivalency of a mailed flip flop. What is clear, however, is that in the month ahead, President Obama has...

>Back soon…

>We've got our shirt-sleeves pushed back and we're culling through all of the film and video submissions we received, hard at work creating the best, new CineKink NYC possible for your future!See you shortly...

>A moment.

>We took yesterday off as a time to absorb and reflect upon the momentous event of Tuesday's presidential election. (And, well, yeah, nurse a bit of a hangover.)Among our favorite remembrances, this image from Viviane's Sex Carnival, who braved the hordes and smut of...