
>Talk dirty to me.

>Oddly enough, we've forgotten all about tawdry, anonymous sex in a men's room stall, but can't stop thinking about Mr. Clinton. Just how nasty do you mean?!? (Hat-tip jwirenius)...


>Still running mind loops on just a few of the many pleasurable moments of our recent little tryst, we have to ponder one question: sex addiction...

>Catching up with the furries.

>We're not sure what it is, but lately we've been feeling several steps behind in catching up with just about everything. Hopefully we're getting a handle on that. One day...

>This just in…

>Evan Shapiro of IFC, home to such bold programming as Indie Sex and This Film is Not Yet Rated, is - how shall we put it? - "...

>Four nights of great sex?!

>If that's the case, looks like we actually have a bit of catching up to do. Somehow in our July torpor we missed the announcement that the documentary series, Indie Sex, began airing this week on IFC.Fortunately, it's cable, so last night's missed episode...

>Men in suits alert!

>How lucky are we to have a secret fetish that's actually not not safe for work? (Though, come to think of it, such fetish can sometimes make the actual practice of work a little dangerous.)Tonight's the premiere of Mad Men on AMC. In...

>Breaking out our San Francisco values

>Now that the Dems have sorta climbed kinda back on top in the national power exchange - and in advance of our pending trip to the left coast for CineKink SF - we thought it high time we check in with Speaker of the House!!!...