saturday march 2 – 2:30 pm – the feminist porn panel

the feminist porn panel

_Feminist Porn BookFeminist pornographer Tristan Taormino is joined by groundbreaking filmmaker Candida Royalle, professor and porn scholar Mireille Miller-Young, and sex-positive performers Jiz Lee, Sinnamon Love, Kelly Shibari and Courtney Trouble for a discussion of their contributions to The Feminist Porn Book: The Politics of Producing Pleasure (Feminist Press).

Sharing their thoughts on feminist porn as a film genre, an industry, and a movement, the panelists will explore what feminist porn is, how it relates to the mainstream adult industry, and their experiences creating, performing, or studying it.

» panelist bios

book signing + reception

Immediately following the panel, CineKink will host a reception and book signing to celebrate the publication of The Feminist Porn Book, the first
collection to include writings by scholars, academics,
producers and performers about feminist porn.

date & time:
Saturday, March 2 – 2:30 PM
Anthology Film Archives
32 Second Avenue (@ 2nd Street)
$10/door; $9/advance; $7/seniors & students
18 and over only.
special pricing!
Feminist Porn Show + Feminist Porn Panel… just $14 for both!

Or Pornopalooza!
A matinee porn trilogy – Saturday 1:00, 2:30 & 4:30 – see all three programs
for only $20/advance purchase!


Tickets for CineKink NYC / 2013 on Eventbrite