A taut and sexy collection of shorts plays with the dynamics to be found somewhere between build-up… and relief.
Directed by Keith Hodder, 2012, USA, 5 minutes. World Premiere
A family man has his devotion challenged by the unexpected arrival of his secret lover.
Directed by Aven Frey, Gala Vanting and Viva, 2012, Australia, 6 minutes.US Premiere
A woman with a depth of imagination speaks her desires to have her desires withheld.
Directed by Saskia Quax, 2012, Netherlands, 8 minutes. US Premiere
A young woman plays the lead role in her own sexual fantasy.
Directed by Gala Vanting and Lightning, 2012, Australia, 6 minutes. US Premiere
Abbey is bottom-as-journeyman, led skillfully into and out of that surreal space by his lover Magnolia, who draws his very breath along with her as she moves.
Directed by Vena Virago, 2012, USA, 10 minutes. World Premiere
Vena pays a visit to Gregory’s art studio and gets a private show.
Directed by Clark Matthews, 2012, USA, 5 minutes. East Coast Premiere
The perspective of one young woman lies bare any preconceptions of sexability. From the streets to the sheets, everyone has a crutch.
Directed by Hunter Stone, 2012, USA, 20 minutes. World Premiere
Confronted with a terminal diagnosis, a man struggles valiantly to go out in the very moment of orgasmic bliss.
Directed by Ryan Balas, 2012, USA, 15 minutes. World Premiere
A photographer meets a sexy model in an upscale hotel suite. The two women may have a past that is more present than we think.
Directed by Jörg Fockele, 2011, USA, 5 minutes.
One man’s journey to cope with his HIV infection through a hooking ritual.
Directed by Aven Frey, Gala Vanting and Frank Ly, 2012, Australia, 15 minutes. US Premiere
A film about the push-pull of erotic edgeplay and the curious brutality of love.
date & time:
Saturday, March 2 – 7:15 PM
Anthology Film Archives
32 Second Avenue (@ 2nd Street)
$10/door; $9/advance; $7/seniors & students
18 and over only.