thursday, february 28 – 9:00 PM

strange live acts

Taking its name from a series of shorts celebrating the spectacle of the NYC’s infamous Black Party, this collection of works explores the relationship between pain and pleasure, performance and transcendence.

the inflated man

Directed by Mike Skiff, 2012, USA, 7 minutes. New York premiere.
Shot at the 2012 Mr. International Rubber contest, a squirm-inducing stunt involves a bright red latex body suit …and an air pump.

desperate housewife

Directed by Bill Carpenter, 2012, USA, 6 minutes. Burlesque by Üla Überbusen. World premiere.
Hello husband… welcome home! Doesn’t the house look clean?

strange live acts

Directed by The Saint at Large, 2012, USA, 25 minutes. World premiere.
A special collection of never before (publicly) screened video shorts documenting some of The Black Party’s infamous “Strange Live Acts,” dating from 2006 to present. Expect the unexpected.

kinbaku: the art of bondage

Directed by Jouni Hokkanen, 2010, Finland, 29 minutes. US premiere
Rope meets flesh in Tokyo, where the sacred acts of Shinto religion can be also be applied to Kinbaku, an erotic, spiritual and artistic connection between the people who are performing it.

deconstructed beauty

Directed by Julie Simone, 2012, USA, 8 minutes. World premiere.
A woman struggles against conventional ideals of beauty to discover her own identity.

date & time:
Thursday, February 28 – 9:00 PM
Anthology Film Archives
32 Second Avenue (@ 2nd Street)
$10/door; $9/advance; $7/seniors & students
18 and over only.

Tickets for CineKink NYC / 2013 on Eventbrite