friday, february 10 – 10:40 pm / sexually frank

sexually frank

World premiere.
Sex is an all-consuming focus for twelve-year-old Frank … and a decade later it still is a defining context to him and his group of friends.

Frank now spends all of his spare time making “inappropriate” YouTube videos. His long-time girlfriend is feeling pressured to feel she should want to get married and have children. A gay friend gets dumped, ostensibly for throwing his cat off the bed, but that’s not really the issue. And their best friend, a balding, 24-year-old virgin, is quickly becoming a “creepy old man.”

Maybe it was all a lot simpler during puberty.
Directed by Frankie Frain, 2011, USA, 92 minutes. » trailer

preceded by

laser blasters

Directed by T. Arthur Cottam, 2012, USA, 2 minutes. World premiere.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

Anthology Film Archives
32 Second Avenue (@ 2nd Street)
$10/door; $9/advance; $7/seniors & students
18 and over only.

Tickets for CineKink NYC / 2012 on Eventbrite