US Premiere. Set against a sumptuous Barcelona backdrop and inspired by the real-life Poetry Brothel, based in New York, weaves together several erotic vignettes, each introduced by a “poetry courtesan” at a bohemian gathering where readings, dance and music create a sensual vibe.
Among the stories…a young woman grows tired of sexual labels and throws off having to choose. A poet recounts the unconventional escapades of his mysterious mother. At the brink of thirty, a woman looks at how her life has converged from the fantasies of her youth. The participants of a heated, short-lived tryst nervously anticipate their reunion an entire year later.
Directed by Erika Lust, 2011, Spain, 74 minutes. Stars Saskia Condal, Lady Diamond, Samia Duarte, Sofia Prada, Matisse, Liandra Dahl, Toni Fontana, Mario Mentrup and Didac Duran
» trailer
preceded by
Directed by Charles Lum, 2011, USA, 1 minute. World premiere.
Remembering the love that dare not speak its name.
Anthology Film Archives
32 Second Avenue (@ 2nd Street)
$10/door; $9/advance; $7/seniors & students
18 and over only.