Directed by Stephan Brenninkmeijer, 2011, The Netherlands, 100 minutes. After years of suppressing her desires, Stella, an attractive, married woman, finds she can no longer ignore her deep-rooted longings. Breaking out of her cage and starting a secret double-life, she transforms into a “unicorn,” a nickname for single women who indulge in a hedonistic lifestyle, visiting sex clubs and kinky parties, and flourishing with all the new attention. Even as her husband uncovers Stella’s secret life, he can’t do much more than give her the freedom that she obviously needs, in the hope it’s all just a phase.
Then one day she finds herself lying unconscious in a basement cell, with no idea how she arrived there.
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Anthology Film Archives
32 Second Avenue (@ 2nd Street)
$10/door; $9/advance; $6/seniors & students (door only)
18 and over only.