Based on a true story, follows a young woman whose husband has vanished, flashing back to happier times as she goes through a process of denial, anger and acceptance.
Directed by Angie Rowntree, 2015, USA, 33 minutes. World premiere. Stars Madeline Blue and Gee Richards.
Through boot camp to the battlefield, three female soldiers are prepared to face the enemy.
Armed with the required instruments and the mindset to carry out their objective, the fight that awaits them will set their scene just fine. In Sector King Zulu King, it’s the soldiers’ most personal resources that will settle all matters.
Directed by Maria Beatty, 2016, USA, 58 minutes. World premiere. Stars Autumn Bodell, Mal Martine and Devorah.
date & time:
Saturday, March 5 – 5:45 PM
Anthology Film Archives
32 Second Avenue (@ 2nd Street)
$10/door; $8/seniors & students
18 and over only.