Taking Flight

This sexy round-up of queer and feminist works travels to such magical places as a Brooklyn flat, a Berlin dungeon, a Nordic forest and the very gates of Heaven. Rope, rituals and release!

NÄKKI – Spellbound

As you wish, My Lady

My Lady likes a dark space underground. We’ve all spent time there but none of us know the way.
Directed by Jo Pollux and Sadie Lune, 2018, Germany, 5 minutes. Stars Bishop Black, the Clyo, Lina Bembe, Maryann Peony, Mathilde Manon, Nina Scum, Sadie Lune and Rayh Succulent.

Patron Saint

In a celebration of the Divine Queer, reimagines religion and history as queer deities wearing Jamall Osterholm’s fashion line interacting within a mystical landscape. Directed by Georden West, 2018, USA, 8 minutes. Stars Yaa, Munroe Lilly, Lia Bass, Jazzy Roulhac and Desean Taber.

Make Me Fly

Eva is tied up, but through the art of Shibari she can still fly.
Directed by Morena Barra, 2018, Switzerland, 6 minutes.

NÄKKI – Spellbound

Inspired by Finnish folklore, magic and forest, tells a story of two human beings, Inkeri & Saga, casting a spell to bring back fertility. Directed by and stars Luna Kuu with Lynx Ymi, 2018, Finland, 18 minutes.

Plastic & Fur

The feeling and intensity of a sexual encounter are enhanced by the rhythm and structure of an electro-punk musical track. Directed by and stars Maria Blah with Kay Garnellen, 2018, Spain, 8 minutes.

Orgy #001

5 beautiful queers, 3 Business Partners, 2 Magic Wands and one delightful afternoon.
Directed by Aorta Films, 2015, USA, 11 minutes. Stars Parts Authority, Mahx Capacity, Shay Knox, Erykah Ohms and Ginny Woolf.

Second Shutter

In episodic form, captures the queer, sex-positive Berlin scene in sun-drenched and intoxicatingly beautiful tableaus. Directed by Goodyn Green, 2018, Georgia, 46 minutes. Stars Finn Peaks, Lucia Luxemburg, Angel Van Dyke, Mal Cunt, Sadie Lune, Zoë Challenger, Jasko Fide, Ze Royale, Lina Bembe and Mad Kate.

date & time:
Friday, April 5 – 9:20 PM
Anthology Film Archives
32 Second Avenue (@ 2nd Street)
$14; $11/seniors & students, $10/CineKink members
18 and over only.

Tickets for CineKink NYC / 2019 on Elevent