best of cinekink / 2013

best of cinekink/2013

A special screening of award-winning shorts deemed the year’s best from CineKink, “the kinky film festival!”

50 seconds of 50 shades

Directed by Bo Blaze, 2012, USA, 2 minutes.
An extremely abridged rendering of the
renowned literary classic.
honorable best mention

naked love: ea’s garden

Directed by Sara Koppel, 2012, Denmark,
6 minutes.

A hand-drawn, erotic trip through
one woman’s sexuality.


Directed by by Mollena Williams, 2012, USA, 7 minutes.
The viewer becomes voyeur as this short explores the emotional impact of
witnessing a series of consensual and kinky interactions.
best experimental short


Directed by Keith Hodder, 2012, USA, 5 minutes.
A family man has his devotion challenged by the unexpected arrival of his secret lover.
honorable best mention


Directed by Jörg Fockele, 2011, USA, 5 minutes.
One man journeys to cope with his HIV infection through a transforming ritual.
best documentary short – tie

zucht und ordnung

Directed by Jan Soldat, 2012, Germany, 9 minutes.
Two naked, elderly men talk about their relationship, their predilections and the good old days.
best documentary short – tie


Directed by Aven Frey, Gala Vanting & Frank Ly, 2012, Australia, 15 minutes.
A film about the push-pull of erotic edgeplay and the curious brutality of love.
honorable best mention


Directed by Clark Matthews, 2012, USA, 5 minutes.
The perspective of one young woman lies bare any preconceptions of sexability.
From the streets to the sheets, everyone has a crutch.
best dramatic short


Directed by Michael Markham, 2012, USA, 18 minutes. Pictured, above.
At the end of a first date, a young man and woman are each desperate to surprise the other.
best comedy short


» cinekink: pdx – august 4 @ 7 pm
» cinekink: oakland – august 8 @ 7 pm
» cinekink @ bedfest/austin – september 20 @ 8 pm
» cinekink: chicago – september 21 @ 7 pm


2013 tour sponsors
crystal delights .. kinky medical dot net...ncsf ...ncsf.. njoy ..takedown piracy