Author: CineKink

>More “do me,” less DOMA!

>While it's common belief that each letter received from a constituent represents at least 100 others who held that particular opinion, we're unsure of the equivalency of a mailed flip flop. What is clear, however, is that in the month ahead, President Obama has...

>Got gang bang?

>It's been awhile since our college German studies, but still fairly easy to get the gist of what she's saying...

>Hey, Chicago….!

>We're looking forward to a full CineKink: Chicago tour run later in the season, but you're in for a tantalizing appetizer this Saturday, when CineKink will be part of an open house taking place at the Leather Archives & Museum. As part of...

>I am a sex worker.

>This PSA was created by the first-ever participants in Speak Up!, a new training program presented by Sex Work Awareness.It's great to see sex activists taking up media tools and producing their own representations!...

>A fleeting f*@&!

>The Supreme Court has upheld a crackdown by the Federal Communications Commission on the use of indecent language--even the fleeting utterance of a single expletive--on broadcast television. At least for now...

>Beyond the green door

>Marilyn Chambers starred in the very first porn we ever encountered, Behind the Green Door--which we snuck into with some high school girlfriends back in the day--and it's sad to be passing along the news that the iconic adult film star has died.Here, in a...

>Other goings-on…

>Don't forget about our CineKink @ KGB screening on Sunday, but a few other (lots, actually!) kink-culture possibilities ahead...

>Special sneak preview…American Swing

>The Museum of Sex and Magnolia Pictures invite CineKinksters to a special advance screening of American Swing, the new documentary about the rise and fall of the infamous NYC swing club, Plato's Retreat...