
Are you a Dark Odyssey virgin?

>We're excited to offer the possibility of a first-time Dark Odyssey adventure to a lucky pair of CineKink fans!As a participating group, we've been given TWO extra tickets to the sexy organization's next event - Winter Fire - taking place February 26-28 in Washington, DC.One...

>Forget Kanye…’I’m Polyamorous’ on MTV!

>Slightly lost in the ongoing hub-bub over Kayne West's outburst on the Music Video Awards, this week MTV True Life premiered an episode, "I'm Polyamorous," that follows young polyamorous sorts in both NYC and the Carolinas. Diana Adams, one of these sorts, writes of...

>A return to core values

>Between last week's visit home with family and the past few days indulging a consuming fetish for national politics, we've been too distracted to think much about sex and/or movies.Time to put a stop to that! This weekend we'll finally catch up with Vicky...

>Buy the book!

>Rachel Kramer Bussel, whose previous literary offerings, He's On Top/She's On Top graced the swag bags for the CineKink kick-off party back in February, has a brand, er, spanking new opus available...

>Poly on the red carpet

>Putting in plenty of face time at all of the past year's award shows, Tilda Swinton has also put a new spotlight on non-monogamy, as a regular companion on the red carpet has been her boyfriend Sandro Kopp - both seen here in a picture...

>We are on!

>We'll check in again with even more detail on this year's wham bam program schedule for Cinekink NYC, but here's an overview to get you salivating:Tuesday, February 26 8:00 pm - Kick-Off Gala & Opening Night ScreeningWednesday, February 27 7:00 pm...

>WGA three-way!!

>Trolling around YouTube on strictly CineKink-programming-related business, we once again found ourselves distracted and set off our course, this time with the latest from our friends at the WGA.Herewith, Episode #34 of Speechless Hollywood, this one featuring our long-time crush-object, Maggie Gyllenhaal (Secretary, CineKink Tribute/2003),...

>Ready for that twelfth day present yet?

>Same as with the vanilla version, The Twelve Poly Days of Christmas goes on a wee bit too long, but all in good fun.If you'd like to cut to the chase, Viviane's got the lyrics.(hat-tip Polyamory Weekly)...