
>Going meta

>Trying to shake off the block that comes with the realization we haven't posted for over a week - and better do so quickly or it's just going to get worse - we marvelled at the synchronicity that our first click through our blog-roll landed...

>Sugasm(ed) 95

>The best of this week’s blogs by the bloggers who blog them. Highlighting the top 3 posts as chosen by Sugasm participants. Want in Sugasm #96? Submit a link to your best post of the week using this form. Participants, repost the link list within...

>Pick me, pick me!

>It's perhaps not the same level of trepidation that used to descend as the teams were divvied up for sixth-grade slaughter-ball, but we had a wonderful time at SXSW last year and we'd love to ensure our return in 2008. To that end, we've...

>Get your wonk on!

>Tonight's the coming out party for Sex in the Public Square, a new blog/social networking site put together by Elizabeth Wood and Chris Hall.A little more "about" them: We believe that sexuality is a fundamental component of human life, and that it cannot be excluded...

>This just in…

>Evan Shapiro of IFC, home to such bold programming as Indie Sex and This Film is Not Yet Rated, is - how shall we put it? - "...

>In lieu of a trivet…

>Happy housewarming to Viviane's Sex Carnival, as they settle in to swanky, new digs at !Be sure to adjust your blogroll, then stop in and give them your best...

>Sugasmed again!

>Sugasm #87 Mon 9th Jul, 07The best of this weeks blogs by the bloggers who blog them. Highlighting the top 3 posts as chosen by Sugasm participants. Want in Sugasm #88? Submit a link to your best post of the week using this form. Participants,...

>Mom would be so proud…

>Actually, she would. A whichever-wave feminist who instilled her values by both word and example, she would no doubt be thrilled to have her daughter creating the type of pornography that helps make the world a place where a woman’s right to determine and...

>NYC Leather Pride was here!

>And boy, are we beat! Still trying to sort out the images flashing through our mind, we're glad that Viviane's Sex Carnival braved the heat on Sunday to take in the scenery at Folsom Street East. As it should be, just a CineKinkster...

>Rubbing the clitoris, sir?

>Over at Sugarbank, they're pulled together an entertaining montage of fondly satirical send-ups of that time-honored classic, the sex education video. Among them you'll find the scene from Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, in which bored schoolboys grudgingly recount various methods of foreplay...