
>Open your golden gates!

>Seems like we just got home, but it's almost time to pack our bags again and head for that city by the bay, where the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts welcomes us (back!) for another round of CineKink: San Francisco.Cutting across orientations to...

>And the winner is…

>We've got a steady caffeine drip going now and looks like we'll actually recover from a few casualties sustained during the CineKink Awards and Afterglow celebration bash on Sunday night. Our neck is still feeling a wee bit twingy from too much time in...

>Hey! They’re talking about us!!

>Even in the midst of all the bleary-eyed excitement and sleep deprivation, we still somehow find the time to check our statcounter obsessively and look to see that our name's spelled right. So far, so good - with a special thanks to The Reeler...

>The poster that dare not speak its name.

>Fresh from its ban at the hands of the Australian government, the "intimate" documentary Damon and Hunter: Doing it Together, will be enjoying its US Premiere at CineKink NYC, screening as part of our program "Passion Plays" on Saturday, October 21st @ 8:30 pm.If you'd...

>So much kink programming, so little time.

>We've got so much great programming jammed into CineKink NYC this year, we thought a headliner overview of the schedule might give you a firmer grasp on how you're going to be spending October 17-22nd! Kick-Off!This year's kick off gala moves to Bacchus and...

>Oops. Here we are!

>So sorry to run out without leaving a nice note or anything, but we were in such a rush to get off to kinky summer camp and then spend a few days at the Jersey shore celebrating our first wedding anniversary, we just completely...

>Yeah, whatever.

>The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times are both agog today with confirmations that the webcam musings of Lonelygirl15 are actually the work of a team of filmmakers looking to make an attention-getting break into the business.Again, whatever. No, it's not...

>I am a poverty and obscurity addict.

>For those of us still deluded enough to believe occasionally entertain the fleeting notion that independent filmmaking is might be the surefire route to fame and fortune, director Caveh Zahedi interviews, well, himself, on the difficulties of bringing his latest opus, I Am A Sex...

>Hey, how do we get that job?

>By way of the Smoking Gun, word of yet another crackdown in the U.S. government's war on terror obscenity. According to the report, federal officials announced the arrest on Wednesday of Danilo Simoes Croce, who was charged with "conspiracy to distribute obscene material, a...

>Alumni News: Steven Shainberg, Erin Cressida Wilson and Andrew Fierberg

>Steven Shainberg, director of Secretary, which took home the inaugural CineKink Tribute at CineKink '03, has reteamed with screenwriter Erin Cressida Wilson and producer Andrew Fierberg in creating Fur, a roughly biographical look at photographer Diane Arbus, who was renowned for shooting outsiders, freaks and...