>Take me to Monkey Town!

>Find us in Williamsburg on Thursday night, as CineKink’s Lisa Vandever joins writer/filmmaker/blogger extraordinaire, Lauren Wissot, in co-curating Kinky Camp, a bit of celluloid debauchery for Monkey Town’s “Midnight Movies” series.

Thursday, July 26th, midnight

Monkey Town
58 N. 3rd Street
(bet. Kent & Wythe)
Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Come out early for a little tapas and DJ set, then stick around for a late night of cinematic perversity. We’ll be heating things up with a few of our campiest CineKink favorites. Then Lauren will take over with, well, shhhh…. it’s a secret!


Comment: 1

  • Lauren Wissot July 24, 20071:58 pm

    >But all the big boys need to come up and see us sometime…fabulous!

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