
>Bring it, America!

>We originally noticed the art form in conjunction with the first annual Air Sex World Championship, held last fall in Austin, but haven't yet witnessed the act first-hand.That will change this week--for much of America--as the competition takes to the road in search of this...

>Oh, TED

>As part of the prestigious TED lecture series, Bonk author Mary Roach dips into scientific research to share "Ten things you didn't know about orgasm." Or maybe you did, but diverting nonetheless....

>More “do me,” less DOMA!

>While it's common belief that each letter received from a constituent represents at least 100 others who held that particular opinion, we're unsure of the equivalency of a mailed flip flop. What is clear, however, is that in the month ahead, President Obama has...

>Got gang bang?

>It's been awhile since our college German studies, but still fairly easy to get the gist of what she's saying...

>Hey, Chicago….!

>We're looking forward to a full CineKink: Chicago tour run later in the season, but you're in for a tantalizing appetizer this Saturday, when CineKink will be part of an open house taking place at the Leather Archives & Museum. As part of...

>I am a sex worker.

>This PSA was created by the first-ever participants in Speak Up!, a new training program presented by Sex Work Awareness.It's great to see sex activists taking up media tools and producing their own representations!...

>A fleeting f*@&!

>The Supreme Court has upheld a crackdown by the Federal Communications Commission on the use of indecent language--even the fleeting utterance of a single expletive--on broadcast television. At least for now...